
Wings Of Summer - Selected poems of Zheng Danyi

Grow, Endlessly Grow

Oh, grow, endlessly grow
Use all the water in the world
To mill our stomach

Sheep, too outlandish and meek
Turbulent honey and mist
Rioting in the earth's womb
Rioting in the arms of the universe!

Food, a tiger's hunger
Far visiting wheat in the sun
And on of army of dreamers gathered by dawn

Oh, grow, endlessly grow
Use all the water in the world
To mill our stomach

When the sum chasing darkness
Tears her fiery hair
When trenched alcohol in a game of death
Raises family after family..........We

Simply look on
We let the suicidal eage
Dash to spider legs
Caught in glass. We let it dispel
Mature leaves, fruit
And hats of victory tossed in the air!

(Translated by Luo Hui
Bilingual edition published by Sixth Finger Press)
